Line Card

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By Manufacturer

About SiMa

Manufacturer :SiMa Technologies, Inc.

Authorized Distributor :

  • WPG SA

Region/Country :

  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam

Link to Manufacturer :


Product line Category

  • AI Module
  • AI software

We are determined to disrupt the $10T+ embedded edge market that is still using decades old technology. We’re a uniquely qualified 100+ team made up of the brightest minds in software, semiconductor design, and machine learning. We are well-funded by top-tier VCs and initially focused on helping solve computer vision challenges in smart vision, robotics and Industry 4.0, drones, autonomous vehicles, healthcare, and the government sector. We are obsessed with delighting our customers and currently working with over 50 market-leading companies to bring ML to their platforms.